My journey began in 1963 in a small rural, southern town that was and still is a world unto itself. My thirst for another type of life, as well as fascination with people and unfamiliar places lead me down many paths through the years. The narrative of my life as a small town southern girl, a Navy wife and a nurse in all kinds of unimaginable situations has taken many twists and turns and has been filled with colorful and interesting characters. Having been encouraged many times to “write all of this down”, I am finally doing so in this blog called “Seeking Serendipity”. What is my goal? My goal is to entertain you, inform you and give you some things to ponder that you may not have thought about before, or thought about in a different way. Very few topics will be “off the table” and many taboo topics will come up through my tales of encounters with different types of people and situations. Humor has brought me through a lot in this life and my goal is also to make you laugh more than a few times. Bear with me as I get the wheels turning on this blog and hopefully, get into a steady rhythm of writing that will flow and keep you reading.